mama {to be} meditation

Mindfulness is more about connection. When we approach our little babaru{s} birth with mindfulness we don’t try to change or alter our experience through visualisation and imagery. Instead, we bear witness to it, we notice the feeling arising in our body and pay attention to it. Instead of distracting ourself by using a hypnosis distraction technique we connect with it deeply, noticing our feelings as they arise, physically and emotionally.

The most important thing to remember about mindfulness is that we choose to notice rather than actively change.

I always listened to meditation, pregnancy music on Spotify or online.

mama } meditation

{perspective} ways to look at our life from a different viewpoint; to see the truth of what surrounds us
{validation} reminders to give ourself support for each and every moment, messy or beautiful {allowance} for our true feelings to come forth; to process and transcend {trust} in our intuitive wisdom
{inspiration} to create our own definition of meditation; ways to focus on the little moments
{tools} unique methods to truly help in our day-to-day life; for us parents and little babaru{s}
{permission} to TRULY create change in our life by embracing me {who we are}
{community} let's share in our struggles, personal triumphs and lessons on this journey we call motherhood
{empowerment} ways to embody ourself through classes, workshops, and spiritual coaching
{alignment} intuitive readings, energy healings and personalised meditation techniques to find our truth


oxytocin {for the love of birth}


éve {mother of all living}