girls education in South Sudan

under tree schools


  • Under Tree Schools was started in 2000 by Reverend Joseph and Karin Ayok-Loewenberg, who worked with CMS in Africa amongst South Sudanese refugees over many years. Joseph was an Olympic athlete for Sudan, then exiled himself during the civil war, becoming an Anglican priest in England and then returning to run refugee camps on the borders of South Sudan.

    The school is based in Malek, South Sudan where Joseph spent his childhood. He was concerned about the plight of children growing up in a country suffering from over 50 years of civil war with no education and no prospects for their future.

    Also saw young cousins die in childbirth at the age of 15. He vowed to provide girls in his area with options other than the traditional early marriage.

    During the war, children were taught under trees. As the fighting advanced, the community moved on and set up their teaching in a new area, again under trees. That’s how the charity got its name.

    Since Joseph’s departure as a trustee in 2016, the charity is now governed by Chair of Trustees, Geoffrey Barnett, Peter Boyling, Ron Sullam and Helen Chauncy in London.

  • Began in 2009, to give girls alternatives to tradition of marriage at age 14.

    400-500 girls, aged 6 -15, taught by 20 South Sudanese teachers daily morning with a warm lunch.

    They learn academic subjects, sewing, IT, animal husbandry and so forth, all of which is supported by Under Tree Schools.

    All fund fees for graduates of the school go on to secondary schools in the area. Currently over 40 are being funded. A number who graduated from secondary school have since trained in nursing, teaching, or administration.

    The charity so far has managed to build the school and provide solar power within the community. As well as staff salaries, transport, repairs to buildings and the running costs of the vocational training.

  • This is a work in progress, as with all schools. But each year some girls complete the top year of the school and go on to secondary in their nearest town. The charity funds their secondary school fees to help them do this. In the last couple of years, the oldest girls, finishing secondary school have gone on training for careers, including teaching and nursing.

    Over ten years ago this would have been impossible for them.

  • We wish to support Under Tree Schools through this terrible time that South Sudan is currently facing.

    Pray for humanity, and for peace and growth in South Sudan and beyond.

    Join our supporters and help keep Under Tree Schools alive.

South Sudan 

World’s newest country – in 2011

Already defined as a “failed state”

Civil war in the country started in 2013; and fighting continues to this day, the country hosts one of the largest populations of refugees in Africa, and over the years violent conflicts have also replaced many people inside the country.

Intense fighting in Sudan is putting the lives, safety and security of refugees, over 4.3 million displaced people and other civilians at risk. Thousands of civilians have been killed, many are injured and many human rights abused. Currently 7 million need international humanitarian help, including food.

South Sudan has been one of the largest emergency operations of international humanitarian support in the world. The country has very little money for administration, therefore the public sector staff only get little pay due to the huge inflation.

under tree schools

charity that gives financial support to a school for girls in South Sudan.

  • supporters

    A huge thank you to the committed individuals and schools – in England and beyond – on whom we depend on to provide the funds needed to keep the school in being.

    Also so grateful to a strong group of supporters in Switzerland, the Swiss Association of Under Tree Schools, Schulen unter Bäumen

  • join us

    to keep Under Tree Schools alive?

{2022} humanitarian project


all collections made a difference

  • help for Ukraine.

    Collected usable, safe baby carriers, ring slings and sent them over to Hungary to help mamas who have come over with babies or on foot from Ukraine.

    A lot were also donated to the children’s hospital in Kyiv too.

With the tragic conflict escalating in Ukraine we have been supporting the Hungarian Interchurch Aid who have been providing for and supporting Ukrainian mothers and children with aid and shelter.

The organisation has been truly grateful and amazed at the speed of response.

Sadly the number of mothers with babies are growing daily and we would sincerely appreciate any support you could give.

  • baby carriers

    a kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal

    from our generous donations our carriers were given to the East Train station point in Budapest for mamas coming straight from the border.

  • essential collections {with love}

    please feel free to send any of the essential items requested:

    baby food (pouches or cartons), soap, chocolate, energy bars, small toys, colouring books and pencils

    along with any encouraging notes and drawings which will give them some sense of hope, love and warmth to get through very difficult times. Whilst waiting at the station for hours for transit, these positive kindness gave them strength and unity that we are all in this together.