welcome to our little babaru family

eco therapy walk with our little babaru and ourselves

London Barnes River Trail 2024

“Motherhood strips you of false layers, of masks, of pretending. It is a gateway of connecting with your true self. There is nothing wrong in feeling overwhelmed in this transition. Our well-being, is very important.”

- Mama Shelina



explore the wetlands and get closer to nature with us in one of our little babaru picnics, mama eco therapy conversations, art and culture exhibitions or soul healing therapy. . .

  • just take a momentary pause, no matter what your doing.

  • feel the sensation of your own breathing that brings you back to the present moment.

  • acknowledging what is happening for good or bad, inside you and out.

  • having briefly checked in with the present moment. continue with what you were doing.

    {with self awareness}



R . A . I . N

If we want the rainbow we must pick up with the rain.

Being a parent is learning about strengths we didn’t know we had, and dealing with fears we didn’t know existed.

For our mental health it’s good to share.

  • acknowledge what is happening. just noting it in a calm and accepting manner. use S . T . O . P to take a momentary pause.

  • allow life to be just as it is. without trying to change it right away and without wishing it were different somehow.

  • see how it feels. whether it is making you upset or happy. giving you pleasure or pain. just note it.

    {investigate with kindness}

  • realise that the sensation you are feeling make for a fleeting experience. one that will soon pass. it is not who you are.


Duplo Lego Club

Drop any message to us at little babaru family.


Even though we are surrounded by our loved ones and our precious bundle of joy, the feeling of loneliness is very overwhelming sometimes. If you would like to chat? please drop me a message.

Sending you positive love and light x