postnatal {depression}

It’s normal to feel weepy and overwhelmed at times when we first have a baby. What is not normal is feeling this way all the time especially for an intense low mood or anxiety to continue months after the birth. If our mood never lifts, if we find ourselves crying all day long, unable to sleep or feel disconnected from our little babaru and the world around us, then this is postnatal depression.

It can be difficult admitting to having negative feelings about motherhood and our baby, but it is vital that we share what’s happening with our partner, family, friend, postnatal doula and also seeking help from our GP where needed.

I always feel good nutrition and as much possible rest is key to any recovery along with some eco therapy. has more details about PND

Also little babaru family is here for too, please do drop me a message {sending love}


my ikigai 生き甲斐
