a sunshine state of mind

staying focused on what we can control

Staying focused on what’s within our control, and we live our life in a sunshine state of mind.

Don’t mistake sunshine for fluffiness—it isn’t.

Sunshine is empowering energy. Sunshine is open mindedness.

Sunshine is accepting what is.

It’s living in peace.

It’s saying to ourself: This situation is temporary, so let’s see what I can make out of it.

It’s choosing not to fold the deck of cards just because we have been dealt a bad hand, but choosing to play to the best of our abilities in-spite of it. It’s choosing to ride the wave of change, not crash into it.

It’s being mindful, not wasteful.

And a sunshine state of mind can only be born from a mindset of always choosing to focus on what is within our control. Frequently engaging in this kind of thinking, helps rewire our brain to naturally become more positive.

Within our control are our own opinions, attitudes, aspirations, dreams, desires, and goals. We control how we spend our time, what books we consume, how productive we are, what we eat, the number of hours we choose to sleep, and who we choose to spend time with.

Outside our control sits everything else: the family and our body, how life’s events unfolded, the weather, the economy, other people…

Trying to control or change what isn’t within our control will only drain our energy and leave us in torment. What we can control is how we perceive a situation, how we react to it, and how we respond.

Even though we might not like the situation we are in, we can choose to accept it. Once we learn to accept what is, and then focus on what we can control, we win.

We can live in an eternal sunshine state of mind as long as we consciously practice the art of focusing on what’s within our control and then doing something about it.

with love and light. x


in conversation


{always focusing} on what’s within our control