new happy

The New Happy is a science-backed philosophy helping us find true, lasting happiness.

They inspire me in many ways…

There is a hidden force that influences our activities, beliefs and decisions, both as individuals and in relationship as a communities. It is the questions that we ask of ourselves and others.

Sometimes, changing the question that we are asking ourselves makes it possible to make meaningful changes in our lives. It opens up new possibilities that previously didn’t exist to us. We can often get stuck asking ourselves and others the same old questions, which in turn, keeps us in the same old place. Here are a few ones to try:

Questions we ask ourselves:

How much did I achieve today? → How much did I enjoy today?

What’s wrong with me? → What do I appreciate about me?

How can I prove myself → How can I share myself?

How can I do more? → How can I focus on what matters most?

What’s my purpose? → How can I serve others?

How do I get more love? → How can I be more loving?

What do I need to do to fix this? → What do I need in this moment?

What’s next? → What’s happening right now?

How can I please them? → How can I please myself?

What parts of me do I need to change? → What parts of me do I need to nourish?

Questions we ask others {sometimes out loud, and sometimes only in our heads} in our communities, relationships and organisations:

How are you? → How are you, really?

What do you do? → What are you excited about these days?

How was your day? → When did you feel most alive today?

Why can’t you do this task the way I want it done? → How would you like to do this task?

Can’t you just be happy? → What is something that would bring you joy right now?

Why can’t you do this? → What would you like to do?

Why aren’t you going along with this? → What is your vision for the future?

Why won’t you change? → What’s one thing you can do differently today?

How do we fix this problem? → What’s our opportunity here?

What’s wrong with you? → What do you need right now?

Can you move on from that event? → Can you tell me a story about that event?

How is that going to work? → How can we make that work, together?

What question are we asking ourselves?


on children


raising boys {review}