A doula {/ˈduːlə/}

Bright natural dining room nook with vases plates and fruits on the table.



1.       a woman who gives support, help, and guidance to another woman during pregnancy and during and after the birth.

I was in a prenatal yoga when I first EVER heard does anyone need a doula, I’m like what’s that..sounds like an aboriginal sound…kind of nice actually. When I heard the meaning behind it and why we have one these days, I researched, interviewed few doulas to see whom I felt more connected to. Also made sense as back in the days, our traditional mama’s did not have much choice however they did have a community where they had each other in villages supporting one another, now in modern age we all prefer our personal space, choose our own birth plan and community all on our preferences.

For my first birth it made sense to hire my minimalist doula, as my husband was always travelling even very close to the ETA, {estimated time arrival, it is only a date, I believe little babaru will come whenever he or she is meant to} I have to say having a doula was comforting, a sense of reassurance {non family member} someone I can express myself and choices with, as well as educate myself in this special blissful journey too.

Not only was my doula beside me during the early hours of the night massaging, soothing me for comfort with essential lavender oils during those early mild contractions. She was very understanding, giving me my personal space, especially when I was in my zone in my personal rhythm flow of breathing…listening to my inner self voice and having control of my contractions. I knew little babaru will naturally flow and travel down through the birth canal with each of my breath and deep contraction{s}…it was all in my MENTAL STATE of MIND.

Also during the peak of my active birth when I needed to push, having Jenna and my husband holding my hand was just a magical beautiful experience, knowing we came this far through the journey which is just the beginning of a new chapter, one which makes me emotional even to this day thinking about, as it was so blissful. Giving birth to me is my greatest blessing and achievement {proud of myself to this day to take no drugs and feel all the pain through this birth marathon}.

Within doula packages what really helped was those private antenatal 1-2-1 sessions with me and my husband, as well as to have my doula for post birth sessions to baby sit little babaru whilst mama is sleeping. Also any questions and concerns I had, for example how to change a baby, how to swaddle, how to bath and so forth was all shown to me. It felt like having a personal birth advisor focusing on YOU and little babaru! Also support for all dads too.

During the heart of the pandemic 2021, for my second birth, I did not have a doula, as we were in lockdown, however I did refer to Jenna’s and my birth mentor Natalie Meddings {also my prenatal yoga instructor} duo vlogs and advice in positive affirmation during lockdown how to overcome these certainties. I have to say their amazing virtual support reflecting back has helped me and many other mamas {to be} to this day.

Also once you have hired a doula you naturally in my instance, build this inner confidence on what to expect and do, and I know many mamas hired doula support post second birth for natural child births at home or even to overcome any previous traumatic first births. I’m so happy i carefully chose my birthing partner doula whom I felt the most comfortable with, and in my situation I wanted a non family member as I prefer to learn from my own experiences.


hearing those raindrops, sound and wind… {from inside}


{mother and child}