hearing those raindrops, sound and wind… {from inside}

Scenic shot of the beach with waves hitting the rocks.

I absolutely LOVE when its wet and rainy, its so lovely to be inside as well as outside {have to say added an investment to my wardrobe with a nice pair of stylish hunter wellies and raincoat, only after I realised my little babaru was born, we were out always regardless of the weather!

Listening to the rain is so therapeutic for any parent or little babaru{s}. It is relaxing for the mind, body and soul.

At home, I will place Noah in his bouncer {simple basic BabyBjoin which I loved, no distracted toys on it, just simple bounce of their weight as they blossomed} he would sit and face the window listening, to rain, birds, trees, aeroplanes, cars and sometimes will ask “what’s that noise mama”, I would say well the trees are arguing with one another hence the strong wind…will improvise on some creative nature stories. Was fun and also made my baby brain mind to be more creative….

Also during meal times I would sit my little babaru facing the window and will distract them by saying what do you see outside…we will play games, which will last 5 minutes until they say Okay I’m done now! However, when an ipad would be in front of him, more food will naturally be consumed, wonder why?! :)

To this day, we still love hearing the sound of wind, rain and even thunder :) always eager to go outside and enjoy the wet play!


pandemic {birth}


A doula {/ˈduːlə/}