some days are tough, some are comme si comme sa

{Look up} B R E A T H E {feel light}


Those stormy little babaru nights, and some times a tornado teething every hour or so…or those cluster feeding night {that has left you all sucked out like a drained cow} by the morning I feel like I’ve been wrecked and left abandoned.

Don’t want to get up... but he needs another feed, or breakfast. So time to wake up and start my day regardless how I’m feeling {a hot shower will wake me up} feel good factor, lather some of my polysenian spa oil {why not treat myself to something that makes me smell and feel good} even if it’s a 2 minute shower whilst your little babaru watches you…as he loves the sound of water, after all a little baby sensory moment for them!

Motherhood is hard. I try my best, but some days I struggle to be the mama I want to be. I get exhausted, especially with two little babaru{s} I make mistakes. I lose my cool. And some days I struggle to find myself in the day waiting for new day, new dawn. But regardless how hard it gets, each day I still show up. And in the end, no one could ever love my little babaru{s} the way I do.

Going for walks was a sense of fresh air and hope. i will always look up and feel the warmth of sun rays or the wind breeze…it was bliss and it helped me feel some inner hope to take each day as it came, and knew tomorrow was a new day!


éve {mother of all living}


{review} mindful mama