mother {nature} instincts

Scenic shot of the beach with waves hitting the rocks.

We as parents must TRUST our instincts. Especially as a mama we know within ourselves naturally how to take care of them, regardless of needs, wants or experience.

There are times we don’t know what to do, first time around I was very open to learn and accept this new title ‘mama’ role as it came, so I tried not to have any anxiety or stress for myself. Funny, because second time I forgot how to even change a nappy, or even how to make formula. The beauty of this all is we stop, pause, and restart all over again…if we don’t know we just re-teach ourselves. This is the beauty about life!

History would have us believe that maternal instinct is what motivates us to want to have children and then know exactly what to do once they arrive. However, anyone parenting little babaru{s} - learn as we go along in the job, through instruction, good role models, and observing what works and doesn’t with each little babaru.

There are times when we do not feel the motherly love or instincts straight away. I must say from my second experience it took some time, maybe it was the hormones (always good to blame it on those ;) however, after having some still time to connect with my little babaru the feeling of affection developed several days after birth.

We should not ever feel any sense of failure. Times it is hard - I just needed support to help develop a more open and realistic expectations, especially with two little babaru{s} as well.

It is very important for us mamas or {to be} that parenting is something we learn as we go, with influences from our past and a lot of opportunities to gain new positive influence’s and training in the present. It is a challenge, one we will go through as it comes, and one day will look back and be like wow, we did it!

I always look back at the big family I came from, my mama did it all, no nannies, no technology…just inner strength and love! Our motherly ancestors never complained {probably got no assistance from their partners either} and did not know what success or failure parenthood was, as they all lived in the present moment! We do not realise what our parents or guidance have gone through until we become one. So, all is a blessing regardless.









{mother and child}


yoga {active} birth