yoga {active} birth

Scenic shot of the beach with waves hitting the rocks.

There are various ways a women can build her confidence for birth, but experience has shown her that nothing empowers and prepares a mother’s body and mind quite as well as yoga for birth. Thanks to the wonderful Natalie Meddings for her amazing active yoga birth classes {which I attended for both my pregnancies after 14 weeks} helped my mothering journeys transform from the simple act of showing up every week. To stretching and breathing, setting aside time and space where there is nothing else to do but listen to my own body.

Being part of her community, gathering for her soothing rose, chamomile or apple tea along with her delicious home-made cakes which was a nice comforting way to talk, share, and listen to other mamas who made me feel good from within and sense of being part of something. For sure it increased my confidence, strength, and eased me to be powerful during both of my natural birth{s}.

Comfort & Love is all we need } for yoga birth understandings.


mother {nature} instincts


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