self {care} mother

Being a mama is challenging. Verbalising this is not failure. Just the truth.

Self care is accepting the truth. I accept that parenting can be difficult at times, well most of the times to be honest ;) however I also know that I am doing the B E S T that I can in most moments. I am grateful for my support system and that I’ve had the opportunities to learn from loved ones throughout my journey, especially my mother who has raised all of us without any social life, babysitters etc etc list can go on, hence why i admire her strength and sacrifice. However, things are different now then they were back then right? all depends on our culture and society.

Taking time out for me from time to time away from my little babaru{s}, doesn’t make me a selfish mama. Attending my own personal needs makes me understand the importance of me time to feel refreshed and alive. When I’m happy, my little babaru{s} are happy, they look to us and see how we treat ourselves, how we treat our bodies, how we value our time. Modeling healthy self-care can be helpful for them to see and internalise, after all we are teaching them that taking care of ourselves matters equally as much as taking care of our family. I am grateful to have a husband, a mother, a father, my siblings, babysitters who support me in making all things possible. It’s true sometime it really does take a village!

Also good to ask ourselves what does self care look like for us out there? x



maternal identity